vote 2024

This is a Single Item Feature

This section is always an image on one side and text on the other. The text can be formatted using most text styles directly in Contentful. The text will always appear centered vertically with the image.

You can also add buttons here as an in-line entry.

People Curated List

Skimm Faves

Side by side section - Required Title

This is how it looks when you use a section with a side by side. This copy ALWAYS lives on the left side and the center line cannot be removed. The box also always remains around it. You cannot insert anything but text here. If using a curated list, only use default style

Dark version section - Required Title

Not required. This is another option for the section using the dark version. This copy ALWAYS lives above the line and noting we cannot move the line. You cannot insert anything but text here. You can add any type of curated list to this.


Whether you need new commuting shoes or you simply can’t stand the sight of that one basic cardigan you’ve overworn, we’ve found work-appropriate pieces that are anything but stuffy.


Whether you need new commuting shoes or you simply can’t stand the sight of that one basic cardigan you’ve overworn, we’ve found work-appropriate pieces that are anything but stuffy.


Whether you need new commuting shoes or you simply can’t stand the sight of that one basic cardigan you’ve overworn, we’ve found work-appropriate pieces that are anything but stuffy.


Whether you need new commuting shoes or you simply can’t stand the sight of that one basic cardigan you’ve overworn, we’ve found work-appropriate pieces that are anything but stuffy.

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This is Marketing Module

These are the only two type styles. Weird. I'd reccomend adding

the link button as an entry and not using the CTA below for spacing purposes only.

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Uses CTA Label Field

This is Signup Unit using Dark Center Alignment

description looks abd

This is signup unit

This is signup unit