Welcome to Skimm Tested, a series where we put viral products to the test and give you our honest, unfiltered reviews.
What I Tested...
Brooklinen's Marlow Pillow ($49+)
Why I Tested...

How I Tested...
I swapped two of my full-sized pillows for two of Brooklinen’s standard-sized Marlow pillows and slept on them every day for a month.

Test Results...
Adjustability. Aka, the star of the show. The pillow has a zipper on either side that you can keep closed for a firmer feel, or open for something more plush. I had mine zipped halfway to achieve the Goldilocks of a pillow. The material between the zipper is mesh, and while not intrusive, it wasn’t my favorite (it’s a texture thing). Other than that, I slept like a stress-free infant and experienced zero neck pain.
Size. I chose the Standard size, but for those not in a cramped Manhattan one-bedroom, there is a King size available. That being said, these pillows could eat my old pillows for breakfast. Side by side, they cover the top of my double bed from corner to corner.
Fluffiness. The pillows come in a narrow box that you wouldn’t believe housed a set of two. After removing the airtight wrapping, it’s recommended you let them take their shape for a few minutes upon opening. If you want to take it to the next level, you can throw them in the dryer on low for 20 to 30 minutes. Personally, I couldn’t wait to use the dryer before diving into bed with them and I was not disappointed. They felt very high-quality, supportive, and cloud-like.
Cooling. As a girl who sweats if she thinks too hard, this was the best discovery. I was completely caught off guard by how cool they felt to the touch. Like, cold. There’s a cooling-infused foam beyond the breathable mesh that gives you that perfect “flipped-over-to-the-cold-side” sensation without lifting a finger. I’m a huge fan.
The pillow is antimicrobial and hypoallergenic.
The brand recommends zipping both sides if you’re a side sleeper (extra support), one side for back sleepers (medium support), and fully unzipped (light support) for stomach sleepers.
If you’re looking for a pillow protector, Brooklinen sells one that’s equally cooling.
The Fine Details...
Brooklinen’s Marlow Pillow ($49+)
365-day return policy
Psst...Brooklinen is currently having a "Buy More, Save More" sale from now until March 19. Save 15% with your purchase of $50+, 20% with your purchase of $150, or 25% with your purchase of $300 or more. (Excludes clearance items, KULE Collection and their new plush towels.)
For more help falling (and staying) asleep, click here.
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