Welcome to Skimm Tested, a series where we put viral products to the test and give you our honest, unfiltered reviews.
What I Tested…
LetsGetChecked’s FIT Colon Cancer Screening Test ($89). PS: Skimm’rs get 25% off with code SKIMM2024.
Why I Tested...

How I Tested…
I received my test in the mail and opened the unassuming package to find everything I needed to give my sample and send it to the lab. I activated my test online, sealed the sample as instructed (shout-out to the easy-to-follow directions), and scheduled a pickup time with UPS during the recommended time range. I received texts when my sample arrived at the lab and when my online results were ready. The whole process took under a week.
Test results...
Seamless sample collection. The small box came with everything I needed to easily collect a sample at home. It came with step-by-step instructions (complete with helpful graphics), collection paper, a transport tube for the sample, a biohazard bag, and a pre-paid envelope so I could send the sample back quickly and discreetly.
Easy-to-follow directions. The instructions were clear and extremely thorough. In addition to walking me through the sample collection process, they also explained how to activate the kit online and how to return the sample via UPS. They even included directions on how to open the sample transport tube.
Fast results. Their two-to-five-day window isn’t a gimmick. I got my secure, online results less than a week after I sent my sample. I also got a text message when my sample arrived at the lab and when my results were ready. The cherry on top? I didn’t need a medical degree to understand them.
If you have questions about your results, you can schedule an appointment with a member of LetsGetChecked’s clinical team. They’ll break it all down and recommend next steps — virtually.
The discreet packaging made the whole process secure and confidential.
This test specifically looks for blood in the stool, which can be a sign of cancerous or precancerous growths in the colon or rectum. It doesn’t diagnose colon cancer.
The Fine Details…
LetsGetChecked FIT Colon Cancer Screening Test ($89).
It’s FSA and HSA eligible.
Remember to activate your kit when you’re ready to collect your sample.
You have to collect your sample between Monday and Thursday and send it the same day.
Use code SKIMM2024 for 25% off.
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