The Story
Almost three years after a historic peace deal, Colombia is under threat of returning to war.
Background, por favor.
The FARC – the Spanish acronym for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – started in the '60s. The communist group wanted to redistribute land and overthrow the government. But it became known for drug trafficking, kidnappings, bombings, and land seizures. The more than 50-year civil war between FARC rebels and the government left more than 260,000 people dead and 7 million displaced.
Correct. In 2016, both sides agreed on a peace deal – which earned the president at the time a Nobel Peace Prize. But Colombians gave the deal a thumbs down in a referendum, with many seeing the deal as too easy on the rebels.
What's happened since?
Thousands of FARC rebels have demobilized, but some decided to keep fighting and continue drug trafficking operations. Last year, Colombians voted in conservative Iván Duque as their new president in the first election since the peace deal. He campaigned saying he would make edits to the deal, including making FARC leaders face potential jail time. He won by about 54 percent of the vote, and tensions between the government and former FARC leaders have gotten worse since.
What's the latest?
In a video posted online yesterday, the former lead negotiator for the FARC stood with a group of heavily armed rebels. He said the government has failed to live up to the deal. And is frustrated with the killings of FARC rebels which he said have happened "for political reasons." He issued a call to arms, threatening to resume the conflict. He also said he would try to coordinate with the ELN – which has replaced the FARC as Colombia's largest armed rebel group. His call could bring together at least 1,500 fighters.
What are people saying?
The Colombian gov is downplaying the threat, accusing neighboring Venezuela of sheltering members of the FARC, and offering a nearly $1 million reward for the rebel leaders' arrest. Meanwhile, the leader of the FARC political party (and former FARC commander) said the vast majority of the former rebels are committed to peace.
This call to arms is the most significant threat yet to a peace process that hasn't gone smoothly since it became official. The question now is how many will heed it. And what the impact might be on the country's efforts to put decades of violence behind it.
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